The Bank’s Treasury Team quickly helped us increase our line of credit during a hectic election se ...
ason. Thank you all for the fast assistance that helps us keep up with our chaotic schedule.
We are proud to present Bank Of Labor with the Distinguished Associate Award for their ongoing suppo ...
rt as well as their recent assistance in securing grant funds for the association's employees during the pandemic.
We are so thankful to be able to reach out to both SVP Bridget Martin and Treasury Services Operatio ...
ns Supervisor Pang Lo for assistance. They always respond quickly. Thanks so much for who you are and for all you do!
The Bank of Labor is committed to assisting unions and community businesses to succeed. Their teams ...
are dedicated to providing excellent customer service.

Letycia Pastrana
Former Executive Director
Community Services Agency of the Metropolitan-Washington Council AFL-CIO
Bank of Labor’s Treasury Operations Supervisor, Pang Lo, is a vital asset to the Labor Team. She h ...
as always been there for the Iron Workers Mid-Atlantic Locals and District Council. Pang and her staff answer the phone anytime and have been helpful in any situation – including emergencies. If they don’t have an immediate answer, Pang and her staff get the information while keeping our locals updated during the entire process.
Our council wanted to affiliate itself with a bank that believed in unions. ...
Our experience with Bank of Labor has been of great satisfaction. We have had every answered quickly ...
and efficiently. I owe a personal debt of gratitude to the Bank of Labor for the stress free approach and the professionalism of everyone I have worked with at the bank. If you are looking to find a partner in banking apposed to just a bank looking out for itself, The Bank of Labor is the only choice.
Bank of Labor is 100% union owned and employs union workers under the protection of a collective bar ...
gaining agreement. The bank uses its capital, your money, for the best interests of union families. I encourage every labor organization to support our friends at Bank of Labor.

Kinsey Robinson
Former International President
United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers, and Allied Workers
I believe that every labor organization should do everything in their power to put their money with ...
a bank that supports labor. I could not be more pleased with the Bank of Labor.
Bank of Labor provides a terrific tool for labor unions and federations to bank, borrow and invest. ...
By consolidating labor’s capital, we are putting our money to work for us not against us.
We can make our job a lot easier when we stop giving our money to those who use it against us. ...
Union General Contractor, Bush Construction, worked with the Council through a Project Labor Agreeme ...
nt. Frankly we thought the project was dead until Bank of Labor’s involvement—and likely wouldn’t have happened without them.
As a union leader, I build union, buy union and I bank union! ...
When California B.C.T.C. chose to purchase and build a headquarters at the State Capitol, we require ...
d a partner that shared the same principles and believed in blue collar workers. We found all of those things in the strong financial partner called the Bank of Labor.
The financial needs of unions are somewhat different than average businesses and most financial inst ...
itutions are unable or unwilling to meet unions where they are. Bank of Labor specializes in the needs, desires, and finances that unions are all about.
Bank of Labor is deeply committed to helping unions succeed. Their team provides outstanding service ...
for our union day in and day out.
Bank of Labor provides outstanding services to the Illinois AFL-CIO. We have a trusting relationship ...
with them that goes above the usual banking experience. We are well-served in our relationship with them. They unfailingly meet all of our banking needs with great attention to all the details and we consider them a valued partner.
Throughout the process of purchasing a building, Bank of Labor provided details, support and persona ...
l relationships. The title agent stated she had not closed on a commercial property so quickly and efficiently in her 25-plus years and commended Bank of Labor.
Bank of Labor understands the way we do business. We are not their largest customer, but the level o ...
f service they provide makes it seem like we are. I feel I have a partner in the Bank of Labor and that’s reassuring in these uncertain times.
Bank of Labor was a godsend. I just can’t say enough about that group. Everyone at the bank has be ...
en a class act since the day we met them. They really know their business, and they learned our business very rapidly.

Dave Sullivan
General Vice President Eastern Territory
International Association of Machinists and Lobstermen Local 207
This bank has never betrayed the trust of working men and women in its 91 years of service. Bank of ...
Labor has an opportunity to play an even greater role in creating economic opportunity and stability for everyday families. Now that’s a worthy goal. When this bank succeeds, it’s our family that succeeds.